Argyle Street

by Chris Jones on February 25, 2010

In this busy scene we are looking east along Argyle Street, across the junction with Union Street on the left and Jamaica Street on the right. Judging from the crowds, it is probably a Saturday. Robert Simpson’s clothing store is holding a summer sale, with posters advertising bargains in silks, dress goods and mantles. Several Glasgow Corporation horse drawn-tramcars are in view and the three cars nearest the camera have been fitted with curious disc-like structures set on poles on the upper deck, an experiment with battery operated lights that was initiated in 1896. They would soon they would become redundant as the tramway system would be electrified between 1898 and 1902. Two-helmeted policemen on point duty are facing each other across the intersection. It would be 40 years before traffic lights were introduced on Glasgow streets .

In this 1902/03 view, the tramway system has recently been electrified and the helmeted policeman on point duty has just waved through the open top tramcar bound for Rutherglen. The second floor of the Argyle Hotel building at the Union Street corner is empty and soon to be occupied by Sherry’s Shaving Parlour. On the corner with Jamaica Street is the well-appointed Robert Simpson’s department store which later, during the Depression years, was purchased by the House of Fraser together with neighbouring Arnott’s and the two were merged to become Arnott Simpson’s. ( Postcard published by J. & M. Co. Caledonia Series. )

It is a warm and sunny day in the early 1900’s and the awnings are out along the north side of Argyle Street and the east sides of Jamaica Street and Union Street. Sherry’s Shaving Parlour, which later became the City Hairdressing Rooms, is offering haircuts for 4d and shaves for 2d. It advertises “the most up to date hygenic hairdressing machine in the city”. Boots can be polished while you wait. A lady in a white summer dress crosses Argyle Street while the policemen on point duty stands erect and holds back the traffic. Note the ornate electric street lamps. The tramcar in the foreground is headed for Scotstoun. In those days, Glasgow Corporation motormen and conductors wore caps in the style of French gendarmes. ( Postcard published by E. A. Schwerdtfeger & Co., London E.C. )

Corner of Argyle Street and Jamaica Street, Glasgow 1

( Excel Series Postcard )

( Postcard published by Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd. )

Argyle Street looking East, Glasgow

This view, looking eastward along Argyle Street, was probably taken around 1912/13. The “white” tramcar in the foreground looks freshly “outshopped” and had its vestibules, enclosing the driver’s compartments, fitted in 1912. The street is busy with pedestrians as we approach the intersection with Buchanan Street. Coming up on the right is St. Enoch House, one of three locations in the city for the outfitter R.W. Forsyth at that time. The company shield emblazoned with the letter F is fitted to the corner of the building. This card was posted in October 1917 when many of the men would have been away on war service. ( Postcard published by Walter Benton & Co., 138 George Street. Glasgow. )

This photograph was taken at the intersection of Buchanan Street with Argyle Street around 1912. In the foreground on the left is Robert Scott’s, the pearl and diamond merchant and silversmith while further along and above the awnings are signs for the specialty clothier Rowan & Co. On the opposite side of Argyle Street is the well-appointed R. W. Forsyth’s, the clothier, hatter, hosier and glover, who also owned premises on the corner of Gordon Street and Renfield Street. Forsyth’s has gone to the expense of installing exterior electric lighting to illuminate their windows after dark and so make their store a magnet. Taking Buchanan Street to the right in this scene would lead into St. Enoch Square with St. Enoch Station ( the Glasgow and Southwestern Railway terminus ), the imposing St. Enoch Hotel and St. Enoch Church. ( E. A. Schwerdtfeger & Co., London E.C. )

Argyle Street looking west, circa 1925. On the north side of the street, the Campbell, Stewart & MacDonald building with its fine dome and cupola is at the corner with Buchanan Street and continuing from there we have the jeweller and silversmith on the opposite corner, then Fraser & Sons, Manfield’s Boots, a small branch of Burton’s, the tailor, the True Form Boot Co., and Boots, the chemist. To the left of the picture, on the south side of the street are several businesses, including Bayne & Duckett, the boot and shoe maker, Gerber Brothers & Co., wholesale jewellers, a tobacconist, wine merchant, and the St. Enoch Picture Theatre. The latter originally opened in 1881 as Crouch’s Theatre of Varieties and started showing films in 1897. It was rebuilt as the St. Enoch Picture Theatre in 1913 and closed in 1935. The facade with its two short towers has been retained. ( Postcard published by J.M. & Co. Ltd. in the Caledonia Series. )

Argyle Street Coronation Tram, Glasgow

It’s a sunny afternoon in Argyle Street as we look west towards the Heilanman’s Umbrella in this early 1950’s view. The Argyle Street entrance to the Argyll Arcade is on the far right and the north side of the street is populated by clothiers and shoe shops, including Burton’s, Manfield & Sons and True Form. The Coronation tram is on route 15 to Baillieston. A young woman with freshly curled hair is approaching the camera on the left and most of the women in this scene are not wearing hats. ( Postcard published by J. B. White, Ltd., Dundee. )

Argyle Street, Looking West, Glasgow

In this atmospheric and busy Argyle Street scene, photographed in 1912/13, men in bunnets predominate. There are very few women in the picture and I wonder why. Could all the women be inside the stores while the men wait outside? Or perhaps it’s the lunch break from nearby factories and warehouses. On the south side of the street is the impressively named John Anderson’s Royal Polytechnic, the “Poly” to Glasgow folk, and the city’s best known department store at the time. The owner had electric lighting installed all along the extensive frontage to attract as much interest as possible and especially after dark. All this was very modern at the time. Above the store is the Adelphi Hotel which later relocated to the corner with Union Street, into the new building that incorporated Boots the Chemist.

Also of interest is the building on the extreme right with the bay windows. It was actually eight stories tall, an early Glasgow skyscraper. The curious arrangement of the trams in the street with three in parallel is explained by the presence of a siding opposite the entrance to Queen Street. ( This postcard was originally published by E. A. Schwerdtfeger & Co. but the name was subsequently removed from reissues once Great Britain headed into the Great War. )

Argyle Street Woolworth's, Glasgow 1

In this scene, photographed in 1913, we have walked slightly further along Argyle Street and crossed over to the other side. Looking to the left, you can see the flag flying on the top of John Anderson’s Royal Polytechnic. Across the street is the skyscraper and the recently-opened Argyle Street branch of F. W. Woolworth & Co. Ltd., the name lettered in gold on the characteristic rich red background. Accompanying the name is the statement “Nothing In These Stores Over 6D”.

The flooring in Woolworth’s used to be well-worn boards, narrow planks of wood that would have been very difficult to keep clean by today’s standards. It was in this Argyle Street branch of Woolworth’s that I once heard a mother say to her son who had been misbehaving by the sweetie counter. “Jist you wait till yer faither gets hame. He’ll gie ye sich a leatherin.” I wasn’t much older at the time and remember feeling sorry for the boy.

Argyle Street from a Tram, Glasgow

We are now approaching the intersection with Glassford Street on the left and Stockwell Street which is off camera to the right. Beyond this junction is the Trongate which continues up to Glasgow Cross. On the right is part of the Granite House building which occupies a prominent position on the corner with Stockwell Street. They are holding a sale of men’s and youth’s clothing and this was probably a regular event. Gow & Son, the Upholsterers, occupy the building next door and beyond is Slater’s, known as the Great London Tailors. ( Postcard published by E. A. Schwerdtfeger & Co., London E. C. and printed in Berlin. ).

Legends © Christopher J. Jones

Except where otherwise stated, all photographs are from the author’s collection.

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Argyle Street, Glasgow – M1 Postcards
July 31, 2021 at 12:32 am

{ 79 comments… read them below or add one }

Gordon Watson October 8, 2010 at 8:23 am

Hi Chris
These are great old postcards of Argyle street. I am looking to reproduce similar images on canvas for a client. Do you have the orginals of these or know how I could licence the images for single reproduction?
Many thanks

Chris Jones October 9, 2010 at 10:04 pm

Thank you Gordon. Except where otherwise acknowledged, the illustrations are from images in my own collection, from photographs, postcards, books and occasionally from lantern slides. Some of the finest black and white photographic postcards of Glasgow street scenes, including Argyle Street, were published by E. A. Schwerdtfeger & Co., and printed in Berlin. For obvious reasons, they stopped trading under that name in Great Britain by the outbreak of the Great War in 1914 but later some of the images reappeared on postcards where the printing on the back was in blue and no publisher was indicated. In the 1920’s, new scenes were added and the quality of the photos was very similar to those of the early Schwerdtfeger postcards. I can contact you with further information.

sheena gordon September 1, 2011 at 8:02 am

Hi Chris,
My great-great grandfather, Patrick Brankin, had a grocer’s shop at 435 Argyle Street in 1911. Do you know of archives I could search for photographs?
Many thanks.
Sheena Gordon

Chris Jones September 3, 2011 at 9:32 pm

Hi Sheena,
Thank you for your inquiry. Your great great grandfather’s shop at 435 Argyle Street was located in the Argyle Buildings which were situated on the south side of the street in the block between Carrick Street and McAlpine Street, west of the City Centre. This location can be identified by consulting the Ordnance Survey map of the period. It was a short walk from your great great grandfather’s shop to Anderston Cross, a busy interchange served by a railway station and tram routes. This was where the road westward divided, with Argyle Street taking the northern fork and Stobcross Street the southern one. Most of the old photographs of Anderston Cross are taken looking west and the location of the grocery would be behind the photographer. However, I have located view that looks eastward from the buildings at the Cross ( ) and the location for your ancestor’s shop would be in the third block from the camera on the right, just beyond where you see the shaft of light between the buildings ( the junction with McAlpine Street ). You could try contacting the staff of the Glasgow Room at the Mitchell Library to see if they have any more detailed photographs of the location.

Robert Pool February 4, 2012 at 4:49 am

I have a number of old Glasgow company letterheads and various company advertisments from the 1800’s onwards that may be of interest for those researching Glasgow. These images are on my flickr account and can be viewed at . All images are split into ‘sets’ for easy viewing.

Chris Jones February 4, 2012 at 9:13 pm

Thank you Robert. I am happy to link to your site and have become aware of your extensive collection of old Glasgow company advertisements, bills and stationery. These are particularly helpful in tracing the locations of businesses and the types of products they made and/or sold.

margaret donnell February 10, 2012 at 2:17 am

Hi Chris,
I just recently found out that an ancestor of mine lived at 27 Argyle Street at the time of the 1891 census. Do you have any photos of this area during that time as the family would love to see them?

Chris Jones February 11, 2012 at 8:59 pm

Hi Margaret,

Number 27 was located on the south side of Argyle Street, in the first block west of Stockwell Street. Your ancestor lived in a very central location on the busiest commercial street in Glasgow and you can see from some of the photographs just how crowded Argyle Street would become on Saturdays and this is still the case. Most of the early photos that I am posting of the area date from 1901 to 1914. I will try to narrow down the location for you.



mia carr March 23, 2012 at 3:17 pm


I am writing to enquire if anyone has any photos ( circa 1950-68 ) of the Gaiety Theatre that used to be located at 625 Argyle Street in Anderston. I can be contacted via the webmaster of this site.

Mia Carr

John Hickey April 14, 2012 at 2:31 pm

Hello Chris,

My Dad recalls that his grandfather, William Hicke, had a warehouse selling a variety of things located up a close in Argyle Street. The business operated between the First and Second World Wars and was apparently one of the first in Glasgow to offer “tick” which eventually led to its closing due to outstanding debts. My Dad seems to think the business was in the close along from Marks & Spencer in Argyle Street which now houses amongst other things a sports shop and I think some market stalls. Are you able to confirm this is the case or provide any further details/photos?



Chris Jones April 14, 2012 at 10:04 pm

Hello John,

Thank you for your question. The current address of Marks & Spencer is 2-12 Argyle Street and I have searched the 1927 Glasgow Directory ( available online ) for businesses close to that location and also close to 32 Argyle Street where Marks & Spencer was located in 1927. I have also searched under names and have not found a Hicke in the list. Could you possibly find out more about the location and nature of the business, when it operated and if it had a trade name? It might not have been trading in 1927.

Best wishes,


John Hickey April 15, 2012 at 9:43 am

Hi Chris, thanks for the prompt reply and apologies for the wrong spelling – it should be Hickey. Having looked into it a bit more we tracked down an old business card for W Hickey & Coy, General Warehousemen. 22 Argyll street ( 2 up ) Glasgow. A telephone number ( 1812 Bell ) is on the card and it also states “jewellery a speciality”. The card lists a whole range of goods from watches, clocks and jewellery to waterproofs, umbrellas and wringers.

Good luck.


Robert Pool July 28, 2012 at 6:09 pm

For Mia Carr. see!/pages/The-Only-Way-is-Maryhill/244666325580833

Thanks Robert for this link to a photo and comments on Facebook regarding the New Gaiety Theatre in Anderston.

siobhan October 17, 2012 at 8:03 am

Hi there,

I am living in a house owned by Thomas Johnston in 1911. He had a wine and spirits merchant business at 19 Argyle Street in that era. I would love to see a picture of that building. I thought it was the site of the M & S building but I’m not sure. I think it is the next building but that is listed on Google maps as Trongate not Argyle Street. Could you help me out? Thank You.
Looking forward to hearing from you.


dionne November 7, 2012 at 3:43 pm


I started my husband’s family history and found that his great grandad Robert Thomson was a profession footballer in the 1930’s. He lived at 327 Argyle Street, Glasgow. I was wondering if anyone has any photos or memories of him or his place of residence. He had a wife Susan and they had a son and a daughter. He may have played for Celtic and was still a footballer in 1934 when his daughter was born. Thank you for any help you can give.

mia carr May 25, 2013 at 7:58 pm

Thanks for the link Robert but didn’t have any photos of Gaiety Theatre, tho actually hoping to find pics 2 of Gaiety Pub & the Gaiety Fish N’ Chip shop. Don’t know what way the numbers run but would B 625 + /- Argyle St., Anderson.

Stewart Rayment October 21, 2013 at 5:56 am

Dear Chris,

Great website. I’m reviewing Elizabeth Cumming’s ‘Hand, Heart & Soul’ (Birlinn) which you might find useful. It refers to the Byzantine Smoke Room in Anderson’s Royal Polytechnic Warehouse, with a wall decoration by Alfred Webster. Do you know if it is still in place by any chance?


Stewart Rayment

Chris Jones November 3, 2013 at 10:26 pm

Dear Stewart,

Thank you for your comment. John Anderson’s business was sold to Lewis’s in 1929 and a new 380,000 sq.ft. building constructed on the site. I doubt if the wall decoration to which you refer survived unless it was removable.



Sian Griffiths January 16, 2014 at 3:57 am

Dear Chris,

Having stumbled across your website and collection of old photographs, I thought that the following project may be of interest to you.

I work for Amberley Publishing, a local and specialist history publishing company, and we are currently looking for new or experienced authors with an interest in Glasgow to contribute to our exciting Through Time series of local history books.

In your area we have the following potential title: Central Glasgow Through Time and Glasgow West End Through Time.

The Through Time concept is a ninety-six page, then-and-now picture book, containing around ninety-two old photographs or postcards, each paired with a new photograph in full colour, to show how the same scene, or a related one, has changed over time. Each pair of photographs has a short descriptive caption.

If this sounds like something you might be interested in, I will be happy to send out more information to you and an example of a previous title.

Sian Griffiths

Frances Sessford March 24, 2014 at 1:43 pm

Hello Chris,

My Gran used to talk about being a waitress in Swanson’s tearooms at the Hielanman’s Umbrella in Argyle Street. It would have been in the 1940’s I think. I’ve Googled it a bit ( hence found your site ) but I can’t find a record of such a business. She had some really nice anecdotes and I want to write a play about it but I’d like to know I was writing about a real place. Please could you enlighten me? Thank you.


Chris Jones March 31, 2014 at 10:45 pm

Hello Frances,

Thank you for your query and I’m happy to enlighten you. Swanson’s Tea Roooms were indeed close to the Hielanman’s Umbrella. I checked the 1927 Glasgow Directory, which is accessible online, and there is a listing for a James Swanson, Restauranteur, at 217 Argyle Street, which would place it on the South side of the street between Jamaica Street and Oswald Street, very close to the Jamaica Street corner. Swanson’s is also listed in Perilla Kinchin’s book “Tea and Taste” The Glasgow Tea Rooms 1875-1975, as having been in existence from 1911 to the 1950’s, originally at 219 Argyle Street and then expanding to include 217. Now, you can go ahead and write your play.

Best wishes,


Willie Campbell August 1, 2014 at 9:59 am

Hi Chris,

Lewis’s department store in the ’50s had a “menagerie” on the top floor, with brightly coloured parrots, and many other small animals, which you could play with and feed etc. Parents would leave their children there to amuse themselves whilst they shopped in the store. The ground floor layout was a bit of a mixture, with a fabulous cheese and grocery dept. right beside the perfume and cosmetics, so there was a real fight going on in the olfactory senses and very often the stilton overpowered the Chanel No 5.
I always thought the white limestone finish of the store looked more suited to the west end of London, and looked out of place in Glasgow, much as I like the architecture.
Further along Argyle Street and off to the left was Oswald Street, home to Wilsons’ Zoo. Incredulously, you followed the smell emanating from a close mouth, and one flight up was a zoo! They had all kinds of animals, lions, tigers, baby elephants, all in small cages, and all spending their lives in a tenement. As a child, I thought nothing of it, and whilst I found it interesting, the smell of animals doings made ones eyes water in jig time, and left you wanting out, and into the fresh air as quickly as possible. Awful for the animals, and awful for visitors.


Chris Jones August 3, 2014 at 8:21 pm

Hi Willie,

I certainly remember Lewis’s. It was one of my two favorite places to visit during our Saturday morning trip into Town, the other being J. & A. Ferguson on Union Street. I remember dense crowds entering Lewis’s and being carried along with the throng down the white marble staircase into the basement and the delicatessen, my earliest memory of which was seeing enormous sausages, labelled “wurst”, hanging from strings. I don’t recall hearing about a menagerie on the top floor but I do remember Lewis’s exceptional window displays at Christmas.

I was also taken on one occasion to see the animals at Wilson’s Zoo in Oswald Street. I vaguely recollect a cramped environment with plenty of sawdust and generally unhappy animals for which I felt sorry. We only made the one visit.


Willie Campbell August 4, 2014 at 2:06 am

Ferguson’s was a wonderful shop, with top quality merchandise. I think I am right in saying all that remains of it today are their chocolate ranges, which were still being manufactured not that long ago. I used to love those marzipan, walnut and chocolate squares that they were famous for, covered in candy of course, and which made many a dentist rich by dragging everyones’ fillings out with their wondrous gooey texture. Do you remember Duncans’ chocolate, famous for years, then making a come-back, then gone again I believe. Their hazelnut chocolate bar was legendary. We Scots love our sweets.


Chris Jones August 4, 2014 at 9:58 pm

Hi Willie,

I agree, and the Ferguson’s confection to which you refer was my parents’ favorite, the caramel walnut. You will be pleased to know that J. & A. Ferguson, Scotland’s oldest chocolatier, having been established in 1794, is still in business producing sweets, chocolates and fudge from their factory at Fort Matilda, near Gourock. You can check out their website at and there is further discussion on Ferguson’s in the comments section on Union Street.

Now, I do remember Duncan’s chocolate bars. They were similar in size to the Cadbury 6d bar but in a brown wrapper if I remember correctly. The chocolate was only sold in a few confectioners and was very rich. I think it was produced in Edinburgh.


David MacDonald August 28, 2014 at 7:33 am

I am a watch collector and historian. I am trying to find out all I can about the Glasgow firm of James Weir. The Glasgow Post Office Directory for 1911/1912 shows that James Weir was a watch manufacturer, chronometer maker to the Admiralty, jeweller & silversmiths, and that they had premises at 25 and 27 Argyle Street and 66 Buchanan Street, Glasgow.

As Argyle Street and Buchanan Street seem to be two of the main shopping streets in Glasgow city centre I assume that Weir had retail shops at these addresses, and must have had a manufactory somewhere else, unless the premises were big enough so that they could accommodate workshops as well.

I have researched Weir’s registration at the Glasgow assay office with the Edinburgh Assay Office archivist and have written up what I have found so far in the James Weir section of the sponsor’s mark page on my web site at

If you have any information or any suggestions as to where I might find further information, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Kind regards – David

Rikki Coyle November 18, 2014 at 6:27 am

Mia Carr … If you still need a photo of the Gaiety Theatre, I have one.

Rikki Coyle

john barr March 14, 2015 at 6:24 pm

Hi Christopher,

I have what appears to be a flat round metallic instrument which could be used for oiling. It has a thin tube with a screw on cap. It is tagged:


The flat round area is roughly 3 inches in diameter and the length of the tool is about 8 inches. Its about 5/8 of an inch thick. If you have info you could send my way it would be appreciated.


John Barr

carlos rod set November 28, 2016 at 10:33 am


I’m looking for information on 1417 Argyle Street. Year 1907.
My grandfather sent his 14-year-old son to learn sharpening.
I have postcards sent from Santander (Spain) with that address, addressed to “Miss Shan”.

Thank you very much !!



Busco información de 1417 Argyle Street. Año 1907.
Mi abuelo mandó a su hijo de 14 años para aprender oficio de afilador.
Tengo postales enviadas desde Santander (España) con esa dirección, dirigidas a “Miss Shan”.

Muchas gracias

Chris Jones December 10, 2016 at 9:14 pm

Hello Carlos,

Thank you very much for your inquiry, in both English and Spanish! I have researched the location of 1417 and it was at the far west end of Argyle Street, on the corner with Blantyre Street and across from the Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery. C. Gallacher and W. North are the names listed for that address in the 1927 Glasgow Directory, which is available online. I don’t have the details for 1907. I will see if I can find out any further information.

Con los mejores deseos,


John Ross February 11, 2017 at 6:53 pm

Does anyone remember Jays electrical/television shop located on the opposite corner to Lewis’s, now Debenhams, and across from Woolworths on Argyle Street?


karen watt March 24, 2017 at 1:35 pm

Hi Chris,

I am Looking for any photos of my nan’s, Isabelle Ward, flower stall she had outside Lewis’s department store. I have a couple of her old street trader permits 11/56 to 11/57, and 5/61 and 5/62. I know my family had the stall there for many years.


Chris Jones July 29, 2017 at 9:30 pm

Hi Karen,

Thank you for your inquiry. I’m sorry for the delay in replying but, for some reason, I was not automatically notified of your request. I will check my photos of Lewis’s to see if any show a flower stall outside.

Best wishes,


carol January 13, 2018 at 3:32 pm

Hi Chris,

I was wondering if you could help me. I am trying to remember a cafe or restaurant called the Golden Egg which I think was next to Lewis’s and, if so, what was the name of the side street and do you have any pictures of it?



Tony Beard October 27, 2018 at 9:23 pm

Hi Chris,

I am researching a Scottish soldier from WW1 whose medals and other documents I have. His name was Edward Hill and he was born on 10 September, 1898. His address on being demobbed was 372 Argyle St. Before the war, he was an apprentice cabinet maker for the Fairfield Shipping Company. I have had a look on Google maps and there is a new building at 372. I wondered if you knew anything of the history of the site? It appears from the electoral rolls that the building may have been an apartment block or tenement as there were literally a couple of dozen people residing there. Thanks for any information you could share. Living in NZ, it is a bit far to come and have a look!



Bev Holt May 30, 2019 at 5:56 pm

Hi Chris,

I found your very interesting website today. My Great Great Grandfather, William Taylor was a clothier in Glasgow from the 1850’s until he died sometime after 1900. In 1868, the family lived at 74 Argyle Street. Apparently, the building also housed a Temperance Hotel. By 1874, the family is listed in Post Office Records at being at 430 Argyle Street. By 1913, the son, William Taylor, was partnered with Forsyth – Taylor and Forsyth, men’s outfitters. Do you have any pictures of Taylor’s clothiers, or Taylor and Forsyth?



Chris Jones July 25, 2019 at 5:35 pm

Hi Bev,

Thank you for your inquiry and for sharing this history about your family. I have not been able to find any information on Taylor & Forsyth, men’s outfitters, but you may be aware of R. W. Forsyth, the clothier, outfitter and Highland costume maker, who at one time had three stores in the centre of Glasgow, located on Argyle Street, Jamaica Street and Renfield Street. There are photographs of these locations and references to R. W. Forsyth in the respective chapters here. Could this be the Forsyth with whom your family was associated?

With best wishes,


donna robertson August 17, 2019 at 2:43 am

Hi Chris,

Do you have any photos or info on Macy’s store which opened late 60s where the old M&S was on Argyle Street? Moving across the street to new premises, the shop sold discounted items, bedding household goods etc. but closed in the early 70s when it became Chelsea Girl.


Sheena Nimmo August 26, 2019 at 6:09 am

Hi Chris,

I am trying to find information about John Rankine and Sons; saddlers’ ironmonger, hame, chain, and whip maker, 31 Argyle St. I saw the address in the Glasgow 1828-1912 Post Office Directory. Do you have any photos or information?



Chris Jones August 26, 2019 at 7:11 pm

Hi Sheena,

Thank you for your inquiry and I checked certain dates for John Rankine, saddlers, ironmongers, hame, chain and whip makers in the Glasgow Post Office Directories. Here is a summary of my findings.

When the business was at 31 Argyle Street, it was located on the south side of the street, in the part between where Stockwell Street and Dunlop Street enter, and quite close to the Trongate.

1885-1886 Directory. Not listed.

1895-1896 Directory: Rankine, John, 31 Argyle Street. Home address: Auchlinsky, Nithsdale Road, Dumbreck.

1900-1901 Directory: Rankine, John, 98 Dunlop Street. Home address: Auchlinsky, Nithsdale Road, Dumbreck.

1905-1906 Directory: Rankine, John & Sons Ltd. 98 Dunlop Street

1910-1911 Directory: Rankine, John & Sons Ltd. 98 Dunlop Street

So the sons came on board by 1905 and you can check the years between 1901 and 1905 if you wish to narrow the date more precisely.

The home address Auchlinsky is probably named after the hill in Perthshire.

Dumbreck is located on the south side of Glasgow between Bellahouston and Ibrox. There are some fine villas in the neighborhood. If you can find the exact address, the property may still exist.

I do not think I have a photograph that includes 31 Argyle Street but will check. I do not have any photos of properties on Dunlop Street.

With best wishes,


Chris Jones August 27, 2019 at 4:44 pm

Hi Donna,

Thank you for your inquiry but I don’t have any photos covering that period. You could try searching online and there may be a large selection that you could examine.

Best wishes,


Andrew Tye September 2, 2019 at 8:27 am

Hi Chris,

Very interesting site. My relatives Jessie McDonald/ Alfred Brown lived at 285 Argyle Street, Glasgow and both of my maternal Aunts were born at that address, one in April 1917 and one in August 1918. Thank you for a most informative site. My interests in this area are McDonald, Hamilton, and Low.


Chris Jones September 3, 2019 at 6:41 pm

Hi Andrew,

Thank you very much for your comment and inquiry. I have checked the Post Office Annual Glasgow Directory for 1918-1919 and 285 Argyle Street is listed on the south side of the street in the block between Oswald Street and Robertson Street, and just a short distance up from the Clyde and the Broomielaw wharves. The building was most likely a tenement with businesses on the ground floor. There was J. Tulloch, the sausage maker, at number 279 and Lockhart’s Cocoa Rooms at number 295. I’m not seeing anyone listed for number 285, so this may have been a close with up to 8 flats from the ground floor to the third floor. I’m thinking that your family probably occupied one of these flats. I also checked for Alfred Brown, A. Brown and J. McDonald in the Directory and found no listing at 285 Argyle Street. However, it should be noted that virtually all of the name listings in the Directory are of people who were in business or the professions. I hope this helps.

Best wishes,


Helen Miller September 5, 2019 at 2:57 pm

Hi Chris,

Adam Hunter, Baker, 578-584 Argyle Street. Any information would be much appreciated or suggestions on how to find out more.



Chris Jones September 5, 2019 at 4:53 pm

Hi Helen,

I will see what I can find out. Let me know if you have any information on the dates when Adam Hunter was in business on Argyle Street.

Thank you.


Chris Jones September 6, 2019 at 8:09 pm

Hi Helen,

I consulted the Post Office Annual Glasgow Directories online for the years shown below and you can see when and where Adam Hunter was in business as a baker, and also his home address for certain years. He was first listed as a baker at 84 Main Street in Bridgeton and then he subsequently moved to what was probably a larger facility on part of Argyle Street that was in Anderston. The address at 578 – 584 Argyle Street was on the north side of the street, in the block between Church Place and North Street. This area has since been extensively redeveloped.

Post – Office Annual Glasgow Directory

1890 – 1891 Adam Hunter not listed.

1895 – 1896 Hunter, Adam, baker, 84 Main St., Anderston. Home: 20 St. Vincent Cres.

1900 – 1901 Hunter, Adam, baker, 84 Main St., Anderston. Home: 20 St. Vincent Cres.

1905 – 1906 Hunter, Adam, baker, 84 Main St., Anderston. Home: 20 St. Vincent Cres.

1910 – 1911 Hunter, Adam, baker, 578 – 584 Argyle St.

1915 – 1916 Hunter, Adam, baker, 578 – 584 Argyle St.

1920 – 1921 Hunter, Adam, baker, 578 – 584 Argyle St.

1925 – 1926 Hunter, Adam, baker, 578 – 584 Argyle St. ( Tel. No. 1962 Central ) Res: Hillside, 8 Partickhill Rd.

1930 – 1931 Adam Hunter not listed.

I hope this helps.


june thomas September 15, 2019 at 7:35 am

Dear Chris,

I have been trying to find 16 Argyll St. It does not appear on the 1891 census. Also, I have a wedding certificate that is for the UFC Church, 32 Argyll St., but cannot find anything on this church.


Chris Jones September 15, 2019 at 12:31 pm

Dear June,

Thank you for your inquiry. The street in Glasgow to which you refer is actually spelled Argyle Street though it was named in honour of the 3rd Duke of Argyll. I checked the 1890 – 1891 Post Office Glasgow Directory and did not find listings for either 16 or 32 Argyle Street. I do not know the date of the UFC wedding certificate to which you refer but the United Free Church was formed in 1900 by the union of the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland and the majority of the Free Church of Scotland. Are you certain that the street to which you refer was in Glasgow? There is an Argyll Street in Dunoon for example.

Best wishes,


jean brien November 18, 2019 at 12:14 pm

Hi Chris,

Great website. I just found it by chance when I was looking for relatives who lived at 776, Argyle Street in 1911.
A couple of questions please. I was born at 430 Argyle Street in 1947. Would you have any photos of the location around that time?

My relatives who lived at 776, Argyle Street in 1911 had 2 daughters who worked for the Co-operative Society. Would you know if there was a Co-op in Argyle Street during that period?

Thanks once again for great website.



Chris Jones December 4, 2019 at 5:08 pm

Hi Jean,

Thank you very much for your comment and inquiry. I checked the Post Office Annual Glasgow Directory for 1911-1912 and interestingly 430 Argyle Street at that time was the location for Ferguson’s Temperance Hotel. It was in the block between Douglas Street and Mains Street, on the north side of Argyle Street, near the corner with Douglas Street. I’m sorry but I don’t have any photographs of that location Jean.

In 1911, 776 Argyle Street was in the block between Elderslie Street and Shaftesbury Street also on the north side of Argyle Street, near the corner with Elderslie Street. Fruiterer J. Miller was at number 768. I checked for Co-op, CWS and SCWS, but could not find a branch listed for Argyle Street in the 1911 Directory.

Best wishes,


Alex G February 23, 2020 at 11:43 am

Good evening Chris.

Thank you very much for making available these fascinating postcards, a more than atmospheric way of showing a vanished world. I’m a collector of old pocket-knives and came across an intricate Sheffield-made knife that bore the stamp Carrick Bros. 237 Argyle St. Could you give me any info on what manner of business this was and for approx. how long they were in operation?



Richard G Decker February 24, 2020 at 1:40 pm


We have a circa 1895 photo of our grandfather and three of his contemporaries that was taken at “The Scottish Photographic Touring Coy” (assume that means Company) which had studios at 22 Argyle Street and 74 Broomielaw in Glasgow. I have found that the photographer was Andrew Fairweather who in 1895 paid 30 pounds to rent his Argyle Street shop, triple what most of the other tenants were paying so we’re guessing he might have had either street level or a larger space. Andrew Fairweather had his residence at 41 Buccleuch Street. Our photograph does not label the acquaintances of our grandfather but we suspect they might have been fellow iron moulders from the Glasgow Tube Works located at 181 Swanston Street. While it would be too much to expect that any customer records from that shop would still be available to help identify individuals in our photo, it would be interesting if there was a photo of 22 Argyle Street from around that time period that might show that photography shop. Your slide show on Argyle Street was very informative and your interest in answering what questions you can is very much appreciated.

Richard – Rochester, NY – USA

Chris Jones March 9, 2020 at 9:18 pm

Hello Alex,

You’re welcome and thank you very much for you comment and inquiry. On page 157 of the 1920/21 Post Office Annual Glasgow Directory, Carrick Bros. are listed as cutlers and tool merchants at 237 Argyle St.

Here’s the link:

I also found this reference to Carrick Bros. on the All About Pocket Knives website.

I hope this helps. If you would like to find out how long they were in business under the name Carrick Bros. you could check the Glasgow Directories before and after the 1920 – 1921 issue to determine the years in which they were listed and their location.

Best wishes,


Chris Jones March 10, 2020 at 9:34 pm

Hi Richard,

Thank you very much for your message and enquiry with respect to your grandfather. The photographer Andrew Fairweather’s name appears in the 1896-1897 Post Office Annual Glasgow Directory in the list of 13 people at the 22 Argyle Street address. He also appears in the alphabetical list of names of people in professions and business as Andrew Fairweather, photographer, and his home address at 41 Buccleuch Street is also given. I see that you already have this information.

The property at 22 Argyle Street is located on the north side of the street and at the eastern end, close to the junction with Virginia Street, in the block between Miller Street and Virginia Street. I will check to see if I have photographs of this location though if I do, I suspect that they may be of a later date.

With best wishes,


Jennifer Howarth May 6, 2020 at 8:00 am

Hi Chris,

I have found registration of my great grandparent’s marriage at 32 Argyle Street, Glasgow in August 1904. I cannot find anywhere reference to a church at this address but it does say Church of Scotland on the document. I noticed earlier that someone else has made a similar inquiry but that you could not find reference to a church at this address. Can you suggest anywhere else that may have information?

Many thanks

Jeni Howarth

Chris Jones May 19, 2020 at 7:14 pm

Hi Jeni,

Thank you for your message and for sharing this information. Perhaps you could try contacting the Church of Scotland to see if they can shed some light on the matter.

Best wishes,


Tracy Mayo August 22, 2020 at 3:31 am

Hi Chris,

I’m wondering if this site is still active.

Many thanks.


Chris Jones September 5, 2020 at 2:33 pm

Hi Tracy,

Yes, still active. I’m continuing to field questions, add new photos and descriptions to existing chapters while working on new material.

Best wishes,


Charlie Hickey September 28, 2020 at 7:50 am

Hi Chris,

I wonder if you can shed some light on the shop of my Great Grandfather William Hickey which was located at 22 Argyle Street (2up).
The premises name was “Wm Hickey & Coy” and they advertised on their business cards as being “General Warehousemen”, “jewellery being a speciality”, although they traded in watches, clocks, cutlery, suits, boots, furs, rain proofs, even wringers (a bit of everything it would seem).
I believe he still had the premises during and following WW1, but I’m not sure how long it lasted thereafter as I believe he went of business due to debts as a result of many of his customers going off to fight with their accounts not having been paid in full. ( He allowed “tick”, and I believe he was one the first to do so. ) He may have has these premises going back to 1905 and potentially earlier as we have a watch he was presented with in Sept. that year.
It would be terrific if you had any info relating to William’s premises, maybe even a photo. He would have been just around the corner from Robert Simpsons on the corner of Argyle St. and Jamaica St. which I see on some of your pictures. Any info would be welcome – and I thank you for your time.


Charlie Hickey

C. Barnes September 30, 2020 at 2:22 am

I have a photograph taken by the Scottish Photographic Touring Co. of T. W. Reynolds, Druggist & Grocer, of 22 Argyle Street and 74 Broomielaw, Glasgow. It shows five men standing at the front door of the shop, with an entry to the left side of the shop.

C. Barnes

Chris Jones October 7, 2020 at 6:04 pm

Hello and thank you for this information. Do you know at which of the two shops was the photo taken because I have an inquiry from another reader regarding 22 Argyle Street?

Best wishes,


Chris Jones October 10, 2020 at 5:58 pm

Hi Charlie,

Thank you for your inquiry and fascinating account of your Great Grandfather’s business experience. His original location at 22 Argyle Street was at the far eastern end of the street, on the north side, close to where Virginia Street enters and the western end of the Trongate. I checked the 1905-1906 Post Office Glasgow Directory and found no reference to your Great Grandfather so then I tried 1910-1911, also no reference. I did find listings for Hickey, Wm., & Co. warehousemen, 22 Argyle St. in the 1913-1914, 1914-1915, and 1915-1916 Editions of the Directory.

With respect to his later address at 145 Argyle Street, I found the following listing; Hickey, Wm., & Co. warehousemen, 145 Argyle Street, ho. 96 Bowman Street in the 1920-1921 through to the 1923-1924 Editions but no reference for 1924-1925. Perhaps he had gone out of business by then. 145 Argyle Street is in the block between St. Enoch Lane and St. Enoch Square, quite close to Robert Simpson’s store as you mention. I hope this helps. Please feel free to check those Post Office Glasgow Directories which you can access online.

Best wishes,


Tommy Wilkinson November 15, 2020 at 4:40 am

Hello Chris,

What a wonderful site you have constructed with such detail and information.

Would you be able to help me track some items that I think originated in Glasgow and have been found in my relatives possession that I have no knowledge of. I have had them examined by an historian/antique dealer who does not recognise them or could find any manufacturers’ stamp.

There are three items that seem to be silverware plated and were presented by a company that were at 12 Argyle Street Glasgow, which is engraved on one of the items. The items are a kettle, butter dish and tea pot and seem to be of mid/late 19th century. This would tie in with my Great grandfather who lived and worked in central Glasgow during that time. There is a ‘Presented By’ inscription of the company name on one of the items, but is unreadable.
I have managed to decipher what looks like ‘Munn Buars & Co’, but cannot trace any company with that or similar.

Could you help in tracking any company that might have been operating in the area during that time?

Thank you and kindest regards,

Tom Wilkinson

Chris Jones November 22, 2020 at 8:19 pm

Hello Tom,

Thank you for your inquiry and kind comments. Yes, I can certainly help. The company to which you refer was Mann, Byars & Co., merchants and manufacturers. Founded in 1847, they were in business until 1938. They had a very handsome warehouse at 21 Glassford Street, operated factories on Dunlop Street and Virginia Street, and a retail outlet at 12 Argyle Street, which was situated on the north side of the street near the corner with Virginia Street.

With best wishes,


jean brien December 26, 2020 at 12:32 pm

Hi Chris,

I just noticed your reply to my question about 430, Argyle Street, very interesting.
Thank you so much for answering and keep up the good work. I love looking through all the different questions and your very interesting replies.

Best wishes and a belated Merry Xmas

Jean Moore

Chris Jones December 27, 2020 at 7:44 pm

Hi Jean,

Season’s Greetings and thank you for your message. It’s good to know that my replies are getting through and hopefully the information will be of value.

Best wishes for the New Year.


Des Roache July 14, 2021 at 10:02 am

Hi Chris,

I have a memory of my dad taking us to an indoor Zoo?? On Buchanan Street??
Was it at the top end near Sauchiehall Street??


Chris Jones July 25, 2021 at 8:29 pm

Hi Des,

You are thinking of Wilson’s Zoo on Oswald Street, near the junction with Argyle Street. I visited there also.
Here is the link to the Lost Glasgow report on Facebook.

All the best,


Jeff Thornhill March 16, 2022 at 11:36 am

Hi Chris,

I have discovered that my ancestors had a hatters shop at 69-71 Argyle Street around 1869 and I was wondering if you had any info regarding the location and if there were any photos available at that time.


Chris Jones April 2, 2022 at 8:34 pm

Hi Jeff,

Thank you for your inquiry and I checked several volumes of the Post Office Glasgow Directory online. Based on your information, I began with the 1869-1870 Directory and I found Thornhill & Co. hatters at number 65 Argyle Street, and J. & W. Knox, hatters at number 67. ( Odd numbered properties on Argyle Street are located on the south side of the street and run from east to west. ) In the 1875-1876 Directory, I did not see Thornhill & Co. but I found a Robert Bennett, hatter, located at 69,71 Argyle Street, in the section between, Dunlop Street and Buchanan Court. There was no Thornhill listing in the 1877-1878 Directory so I decide to check some earlier years. In the 1861-1862 Directory, Thornhill & Co. hatters were located at 37 Argyle Street, even closer to Glasgow Cross than their subsequent address. There is also a list of persons in business in Glasgow in the Directory, including THORNHILL & Co., hat and cap manufacturers. The home address of George and William K. Thornhill is given as 63 Abbotsford Place. Here’s the link: You can also check the Street List in the Directory and Abbotsford Place comes first. There are five parties listed for number 63 so it would most likely have been a tenement building. I hope this helps.

Best wishes,


Rick Stark April 12, 2022 at 2:02 pm

Hi Chris,

There used to be a a store called Lions Furniture. Do you know where it was located?


Rick Stark

Chris Jones April 22, 2022 at 7:17 pm

Hi Rick,

Thank you for your inquiry. I have drawn a blank so far. Was it Lion’s or Lyon’s Furniture?



maureen cairns December 29, 2022 at 10:38 am

Hi Chris,

Carol,my aunt, worked in the Golden Egg tearoom and I believe it was to the left of Littlewoods, Queen St.


Robert Clark January 10, 2023 at 8:13 am

Hi Chris,

I am trying to identify the exact unit my grandfather’s business operated from at 1103 Argyle Street (now The Hidden Lane). The Scottish Welding Company was trading from 1919 till 1969, probably latterly as William (Bill) Clark, oxy-acetylene welder. I have checked Post Office records and valuation rolls but neither specify which unit and there were several companies trading from the same address. Any help in where to look would be appreciated.


Nancy C McCormick February 2, 2023 at 4:41 pm

Hi Chris,

I just saw the 1851 Scotland Census and found that my 2x’s great grandfather, James Brown, Jr. (age 16) was living at 285 Argyle St. with his mother and siblings at that time. Then I found your site. Absolutely fascinating!

Nancy McCormick

Jordan March 16, 2023 at 6:23 am

Hi Chris,

I noticed someone back in February 2012 posted a question about whether there were any photos of 27 Argyle Street. Did you manage to find photos of that area? I also have an ancestor living at that address from the 1891 census with the same surname as the one who asked you the question first. Could be a distant relative.

Best regards.


Chris Jones April 1, 2023 at 5:40 pm

Hi Nancy,

Thank you for sharing this information. The location of 285 Argyle Street, certainly by the early 20th Century, was on the south side of Argyle Street, near the junction with Oswald Street.

I just noticed this message from Jenny in response to the Chapter “Glasgow Trams through the Years” regarding her ancestors who lived at the same address and during a similar time to your ancestors. Perhaps they knew each other.

Hi Chris,
I am so happy to have found your website during research of my McLachlan ancestry. My relative Charles McLachlan was listed as an Omnibus Conductor in the birth register of his son in December 1850. Then again, in the 1851 census at age 24, he is listed as an Omnibus Guard. He lived at 285 Argyle Street with his wife, sister-in-law, and infant son. He passed away sometime between the 1851 and 1861 census.
Thank you and I look forward to reading your other posts.

Best wishes,


Chris Jones April 8, 2023 at 7:49 pm

Hi Jordan,

Thank you for your inquiry and I regret that I do not have clear photos of that part of Argyle Street, taken in the late 19th, early 20th Century. The numbering of addresses on Argyle Street was, and still is, from East to West, with odd numbers on the South side of the street, and even numbers along the North side. So number 1 would be located on the South side of Argyle Street, immediately West of the Stockwell Street entry. The address to which you refer, number 27, would have been immediately to the East of Moodie’s Court. John Anderson’s Royal Polytechnic which is referred to in at least two of the photographs was further to the West with numbers from 67-99 Argyle Street.

Best wishes,


Deb Della Bosca May 19, 2023 at 2:14 am

Hello Chris,

I am from Australia with my ancestors coming from Glasgow and Stirling. I have a ring from, I think, my great grandmother. The name in the box says Donald Dow and Son, 68 Argyle St, Glasgow. It also says Watchmaker, Jewellers and Opticians. I can’t seem to find anything on them. Do you know anything about them please?



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